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My Brain Dump

Sketch a day

To improve my drawing skills, exercise my brain and increase creativity I decided to start choosing a word from an online random word generator everyday and drawing whatever comes to mind from it. The only rule is that I just draw without thinking, whatever feels right.

I found it an amazing activity for helping me produce more work and quicker, and also for helping me not be too attached to my work or ideas.

I've been living and working in Germany and slowly learning the language too and my friends started giving me random German words for my pictures. I have to draw what I feel from the word before they tell me what It actually means which has helped with being more in-tune with feelings and senses and also helps the words stick in my vocabulary when I have an image to go with it in my mind.

Top Left: Indulge, Top Right: Quarrelsome Bottom Left: Mine Bottom Right: Please

Top Left: Indulge, Top Right: Quarrelsome Bottom Left: Mine Bottom Right: Please

Top Left: Participate Top Right: Posessive Middle Left: Common Middle Right: Sustain Bottom Left: Regret Bottom Right: Knowledgable

Top Left: Participate Top Right: Posessive Middle Left: Common Middle Right: Sustain Bottom Left: Regret Bottom Right: Knowledgable

Kayleigh Carroll